Valentina Conchie is a mixed media artist, photographer and videographer. A medical school graduate, Valentina moved to Singapore with her family ten years ago and became a PR. Gradually she gravitated towards art. Valentina uses photography and videography as her storytelling mediums. Originally trained in lifestyle photography, she later expanded her skill set through extensive programmes at LaSalle, The PSS, amongst other courses. In addition to classical photography and videography, Valentina regularly undertakes creative projects that reflect her personal and professional interests. She has exhibited her work both locally and internationally, including at Salon Des Étrangers, the 60th Venice Biennale.
Members' Directory
Valentina Conchie
Valentina Conchie
Usual Clientèle
Multinational corporations, SMEs, Corporate and private functions, Celebrity events, Art galleries and exhibitions, Non Profit Organisations.
Experience and Specialisations
Photography, Videography, Mixed media art, Curatorship of exhibitions.