Introductions and the Elevator Pitch
VICPA Members and friends came together on a Friday at BOMI Cafe to celebrate our community, network, eat and catch up with each other. The evening got going with an icebreaking “Elevator Pitch” segment where random members had the opportunity to introduce themselves and their skillsets to the room, the mood was festive as applause broke out after every introduction in celebration of VICPA’s collective creative talents.

“Game recognises game” as some would say. A short break for refreshment was proceeded by the main event of the evening, a fireside chat on the topic of creative collectives.
Fireside chat: Creative Collectives

(L-R) Jeffrey Lim, Garick Bay, Ronald Low, Laura Kee
Our Speakers, Ronald Low and Garick Bay shared their firsthand experiences on how a creative collective business model could work and were very candid in sharing their failures, legal expert Jeffrey Lim provided a snapshot of how such a collective could handle copyright issues. All three speakers were expertly prodded into an authentic conversation with the audience by our moderator Laura Kee.

Conversations continued to flow after the fireside chat was over. Members exchanged contacts and ideas for collaboration well into the night until the cafe closed. VICPA thanks our friends, partners and collaborators who made this evening happen and to our members who chose to spend their Friday night with the community. We hope to see you at our next community event! Watch the event highlight reel below!