The Visual, Audio, Creative Content Professionals Association (Singapore), otherwise known as VICPA, was formed in July 2021 to champion the interests of Singapore’s growing pool of freelance creative professionals. We advance the professional interests and work prospects of our members through advocacy, work advisory and community.
Today, a lack of industry standards has contributed to an undervaluation of creative services. VICPA strives to level up professionalism of creative practitioner-members through a professional code of ethics, and to raise awareness among clients on how to value and procure creative works and their copyrights at fair rates through industry-wide collaborations.
Read on to find out how VICPA is working to write a new narrative and build a better creative industry for all.
Report a Contract
Spot green or red flags in your contracts?
We invite freelance creative professionals to share with VICPA good and bad contractual terms you have encountered.
What you share through this survey would continue to help us to better serve your needs, and represent your interests at discussions on policies and resourcing with government agencies.
All information will be kept anonymous.

Meet our Members
Professional Standards and Practices
Today, a lack of industry standards has contributed to an undervaluation of creative services.
VICPA seeks to bring together all stakeholders in the industry to level up professionalism of creative practitioner-members, and to raise awareness among clients on how to value and procure creative works and their copyright at fair rates.

VICPA is for all freelance and self-employed creative professionals in the areas of photography, videography, production and content creation.
If you are a self-employed person and own a creative business, you may join VICPA if you are an existing creative practitioner. However, VICPA would only be able to represent you in your capacity as a self-employed person.
- VICPA is affiliated to the NTUC. Simply sign up as an NTUC member at ntuc.co/vicpa . Please select ‘VICPA’ under the field ‘Company Name’.
- NTUC Union Membership fee is $117 per annum ($9 per month from Jan-Nov & $18 in Dec)